Tuesday, October 13, 2009

someone please save us college kids

Had a nice lunch with [T] today. She's a gem, really. Still don't know what she's planning to do with all those degrees she wants to get in the future, but, whatever, that's her brain to fry. Sometimes I think she is the daughter that my parents wish that they had. It's not like I can blame them now when I look back and see how old my job trajectory must have looked, but I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out career-wise. So maybe everybody doesn't know my name, but I'm doing what I like and I like what I do. How many other people can say that?

There's still totally time for the fame anyway. Eventually on here I'm going to get around to posting my novel synopsis. And not the joke one I keep referencing but, like, the honest to God real one. It does exist. Somewhere, in the this pit I call an apartment. I swear, without [R] here it gets dirtier every day. Soon, I'll be lost, too.

My ears were super burning recently, too. Wonder if any of my old buddies are thinking about me.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

it isn't that easy to clique jump

Honestly, I had the coolest meeting today. This being one in the many of awesome acquaintances I have ever made, but she's special. SHE BOUGHT ME A HAT.

That's right, I can be bought. No one can pretend like they didn't already know that. But you have to understand that it isn't just any hat, it's the snazziest most sweetest fedora one could ever ask for. It's all black and pin-striped and perfect. I put a red flower in it just to be that more ultra cool.

Now you'll know me when you see me out.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

i've got a phd in horribleness

Had one of my critique meetings today with a possible reviewer. I have never met a person more critical - he sounds like he's yelling everything he says. Which is... well, I can tell you it doesn't make the critique-taking process any easier.

EDIT: Actually, now that I've thought about it, he kind of reminds me of someone I met once at [EB]. Starts with an... L?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

this is bowie back to bowie

Ice-cream tonight? I know the perfect place.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

you've got something on your face

They are making a new Resident Evil! How did I not know this before now? I always know this.

Of course, I can't be QUITE as excited as usual because, come on. Not Matt? No Carlos? I mean, no offense to Wentworth but... okay, yes, offense. I never watched Prisonbreak. I am not all hip on that stuff. I want my sexy desert-riding ninja back. I'm leaving an angry rant on [N]'s voicemail. He'll get it.

In other news, I got chapter 35 done.

Friday, October 2, 2009

get by with a little help from your friends

Hey people! I haven't seen so many of you in so long. I think it's epically time for a sleep-over. You know who you are. [R]'s popped out of the place because of his injury leave and all that, so I'm all lonely and needing the attention.

Heard some things on the grapevine today about the fresh vegetable market near my place closing. WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE? Where am I supposed to stay healthy? It's almost like the planet wants me to get fat. This is it. Fat!me. You've been warned.